Join us for the first annual Iowa Kids Garden Day, celebrating children and educators growing and eating delicious foods!
Iowa Kids Garden Day:
Celebrates Farm to School & Early Care across Iowa.
Encourages kids and communities to grow and eat delicious, local foods.
Supports educators to lead garden planning, classroom connections, and food safety.
Builds relationships between educators, kids, and local food growers.
May 21st, 2025
Every year on the third Wednesday of May, join us in bringing recognition to the people and programs providing these innovative, hands-on learning opportunities!
If this date doesn’t work for your site, no problem! Schedule your celebration for another time that week or even another time during the month of May.
Instructions for participation!
Plan an activity that best fits your program. Consider garden planning, planting, maintenance, harvesting, or STEAM learning.
Register to get your garden on the map.
Celebrate and take photos!
Complete our short survey to share your stories and photos.
Get on the map!
Register your local celebration of Iowa Kids Garden Day by completing this google form. You’ll see your site added to the map along with other Iowa schools, child care sites, and community organizations within 3 business days. Please complete one form per site.
Note: All Iowa Kids Garden Day events are planned by local schools, ECEs and community groups. Participation from volunteers or the general public is at the discretion of the host site. Reach out to groups in your area to learn more.
Questions? Email
Promote your event!
We provide multiple resources to support promotion of your Iowa Kids Garden Day event.
2025 Resources: Click the link to access a full folder of files, including the logo, save the date, press releases, draft social media posts, coloring sheets, posters, and more! Alternatively, you may click on the images here and download the resource to your computer for use.
Need seeds or plants for your Celebration?
Click here for a list of resources to help you get started.
Pictures and Learning from 2024 Iowa Kids Garden Day
Scroll through the photos from the 1st annual event below, and click here to read our pilot-year report!