
Curated by coalition partners, this database is designed to host the relevant resources you’re looking for. Dig in and search by farm to school and early care category!

Want to contribute a resource to this page? Click here to submit your suggestion.

Local food procurement supports local farmers, student nutrition, and food service celebrations! This section includes resources relevant to Early Care and Education sites and K-12 schools.

From cooking in the classroom to gardening with kids outdoors, schools and ECE environments are ripe for local food education! Dig into curriculum and activities for K-12 schools and ECEs in this section.

Advancing racial and social equity is foundational to Iowa Farm to School and Early Care. Click the button above to explore resources for staff and students at your K-12 school or Early Care and Education site

Beet Drop Videos

A community partner is invited to join and present about their work at each Iowa Farm to School and Early Care Coalition meeting. We call this portion of the meeting out monthly ‘Beet Drop!’ Each presentation is recorded and shared online for the network to view and learn from.

Check out our YouTube channel to see all of the monthly ‘Beet Drop’ speakers!