Join us for Iowa Local Food Day
September 25, 2024
October is National Farm to School Month and celebrations occur all month throughout the state. We have designated the 4th Wednesday of September as Iowa Local Food Day to kick-off the celebration!.
That date doesn’t work for you? Pick any day of the month that works best for your school, college or early care center and register your celebration.
What Should You Serve?
Schools have lots of options to consider for their menus. The ideal menu could include a Iowa corn muffin and veggie bake for breakfast. Lunch could include a Pulled Pork Sandwich, Roasted Vegetables, Iowa Coleslaw, and Local Fresh fruit.
Use any of the menus or recipes provided or create your own! Have a recipe you want to share? Contact us.
Click here for more ideas and recipes
Get Involved
Iowa Local Food Day will require participation and support from all parts of the community. As a school food service director or administrator, as a local farmer and of course as a volunteer or parent.
Commit as a school participant
Commit to serve local food for breakfast or lunch and join the farm to school movement in Iowa.
Become a school vendor
Are you interested in becoming a vendor for your school district? Here is more information about the next steps.
Annual Celebration of Iowa
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship initiated Iowa Local Food Day in 2018 to bring together all sectors of Farm to School to celebrate Iowa-grown food!
Iowa Local Food Day:
Provides a strong support network for schools and farmers
Aids food service directors in local food procurement
Engages farmers in growing and selling to schools
Raises awareness of Farm to School across the state